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NextGenSysML Part 0 – SysML v2 and SysML API & Services

NextGenSysML Part 0 – SysML v2 and SysML API & Services

SysML v2 Logo

It is time for the next generation of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). More than 10 years ago the Object Management Group (OMG) published SysML version 1.0 to provide a simple but powerful modeling language for a wide range of systems engineering problems.

We have learned a lot from many industrial applications of SysML. That includes the benefits as well as the limits of SysML. Additionally, model-based systems engineering is getting more and more popular and leads to more requirements for a systems engineering modeling language.

In December 2017 the OMG published the Request for Proposal for SysML v2 with a long list of requirements for the new version of SysML. Since then submission teams work on the definition of SysML v2.

The deadline to submit the SysML v2 for adoption to the OMG is September 2019. If the OMG adopt it, a finalization task force will fine tune the submission before SysML v2 will be published as an official new standard. So, it is still a long way to go, and it is also possible that a deadline on the way will be extended.

In June 2018 the OMG published another RFP – the SysML API & Services RFP. That RFP defines the requirements for a standardized interface to access SysML models independent of the modeling tool. That is a groundbreaking standard supplementing SysML v2.

This blog post series gives an overview of the SysML v2 and the SysML API & Services RFPs. Following this part #0 I have planned so far:


7 Responses

  1. Chowa Choo says:

    Thank your for taking the initiative to publish such a large series of article to shed more light on SysML v2.
    Looking forward to reading your posts,
    New Year Greetings!

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