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NextGenSysML Part 10 – Verification Requirements

NextGenSysML Part 10 – Verification Requirements

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This blog post presents the requirements for the modeling of verification subjects with SysMLv2. It is part of a blog post series about the upcoming new SysML v2 and SysML API & Services standard. The blog posts present the requirements for the standard stated in the request for proposals (RFP) published by the OMG. See the end of this post for a list of all posts of this series including a link to the first post of the series that provides an overall introduction.

Verification is an important, but often neglected part of systems engineering. The verification proves whether the systems satisfy their requirements. All requirements about SysML v2 capabilities for verification modeling cover also the modeling of validation, which is similar from a modeling perspective.

SysML v2 provides a capability to model the system that is used to verify the unit under verification as well as the verification context that includes the verification system, associated environment, and verification cases.

SysML v2 provides a verification case to evaluate whether requirements are satisfied by a unit. It is a specialization of the general concept of a case (see NextGenSysML Part 8). In SysML v1 it is called TestCase. A relationship links the verification case with the model element being verified.

The verification case includes…

  •  verification objectives modeled by a relationship between the case and the objectives
  • verification success criteria used to evaluate whether the verification objectives are met and the requirements are satisfied
  • verification methods used to verify the requirements. The methods like inspection, test, or demonstration are included in a model library.

The next blog post covers the requirements about the capability of SysML v2 to model an analysis. Stay tuned!

Previous blog posts of this series:

Planned future blogs posts:



3 Responses

  1. Erik Herzog says:

    For verification it is important to keep track of them item under verification (the instance) as well as the definition of the item under verification. Will SysML2 allow for this?

    • Tim Weilkiens says:

      Yes, I think so. It depends on what you mean by “keep track of”. SysML v2 will provide capabilities for configuration management as well as much better capabilities of modeling of instances than SysML v1.

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