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Tag: Actor

Death of the Use Case

Criminal Scene Investigation: Death of the Actor and the Use Case

The previous posts Death of the Actor and Death of the Use Case reported about two serious killings in the modeling scene. Many eyewitnesses commented the report. Now it is time for a short review. First the good news: The concepts Actor and Use Case survived the massacre. I’ve seen them still alive and very active…
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Death of the Use Case

The Death of the Use Case

After killing the Actor in The Death of the Actor my next victim is the use case. Don’t use Use cases in SysML (or UML) models anymore! My statement seems to be revolutionary or stupid (or both). Just to be not misunderstood, I’m not against the concept of use cases and actors. I believe that the…
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The Death of the Actor

The technical term System is relative and depends on the viewpoint. From one viewpoint an entity is a system, from another one it is a subsystem or an external system. It is a role that is applied to an entity. You loose this flexibility of changing the viewpoint if you model a system context with…
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