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Tag: Architecture

New book – Framwork for architecture descriptions for social-technical maritime Systems

MBSE4U published a new book. It is only available in German. The introduction of new technologies as part of the digitalization of the maritime domain leads to the establishment of a large number of heterogeneous non-cooperating systems in a complex system environment. With the introduction of e-navigation, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) wants to enable…
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Collaboration Requirements Engineering / Systems Architect

A System Architecture is what System Architects create

There are hundreds of definitions about architecture available. Fortunately they have a lot of things in common. Personally I like the following definition: “An architecture is the set of fundamental decisions that cannot be reversed without greater effort and impact.” That definition focusses on the role of the system architect. It does not define the…
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SYSMOD Zigzag Base Architecture - FFDS example

The Base Architecture

How to relate requirements and architecture on different abstraction levels The SYSMOD zigzag pattern describes the different levels of abstractions and the relationship between requirements and architecture. Your system requirements do not start at the very top of the levels, i.e. they already include some technical decisions. The base architecture is the architecture one level above…
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The SYSMOD Zigzag Pattern

Are your requirements really free of any solution? Requirements describe the What, the system architecture describes the How. Sounds easy, but…. Requirements are solution-free and they contain solution aspects at the same time. It depends on the level of abstraction. Let’s assume that you have absolutely solution-free requirements (I argue that those requirements are not…
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