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Category: MBSE

SysML v1.7 Reference Card published

SysML v1.7 will be the last SysML v1 version. There is only one small change in the notation. The compartment heading “allocatedFrom” has been renamed to “allocated”. You can find all changes of SysML v1.7 in the blogpost What’s new in SysML v1.7. You will find the new SysML v1.7 reference card on the Download…
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What’s new in SysML v1.7

Everyone is looking at SysML v2, but at the same time, a new version of SysML v1 has been released. The SysML v1.7 is very likely the last SysML v1 version. This blog post provides a brief overview of the changes in SysML v1.7.

The SysML v1 to SysML v2 Migration

Many companies in different industries have implemented MBSE with SysML at great expense. And now comes SysML v2. What does this mean for those companies? Does everything have to be rebuilt?

The SysML v2 Specialization Kinds

Specialization is an important concept in modeling languages. The upcoming SysML v2 has a solid foundation of different kinds of specializations. This article provides an overview. In SysML v1 (and UML) the concept is called Generalization – just upside down.. It is basically the same, although the details are different.

Should we use SysML Modeling Tools for Requirements Management?

Recently I had an exchange with Fatih Erkan from Philips on the topic of whether SysML tools are suitable for managing requirements. We had a long chat on LinkedIn, followed by a meeting with the Philips MBSE Team (Louis Stroucken, Joshua Shreve, Patric Wender), and thought it would be a good idea to share it…
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SysML v2 Modeling Tools

To get an overview of the SysML v2 tool landscape, I have collected the tools in a list.

Definition MBSE Model

An MBSE Model is a model that represents systems and their environments and is based on a modeling language that covers concepts of systems engineering.

Definition of MBSE – Revised

Definition of MBSE: Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is systems engineering with the formal application of models to make engineering information accessible to machines to support the stakeholders.

Definition of MBSE

There is a lot of information about MBSE available: books, blogs, podcasts, videos, and so on. But how it MBSE defined? MBSE stands for Model-Based Systems Engineering. A good source for systems engineering definitions is INCOSE. They define MBSE as follows: The formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation…
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2022 will be an important Year for SysML v2

SysML v2 has been talked about for a very long time. But when is it finally coming?