The SysML v2 Lab

The SysML v2 Lab

SysML v2 Lab

The SysML v2 Lab is an open service to experiment with the pilot implementation of SysML v2. It is an online lab for the MBSE community to easily try out SysML v2, share experiences or learn from others’ experiences.

The service is offered free of charge by the company oose. But it is only made possible by the great collaboration of the MBSE community.

First of all the great work of the SysML Submission Team, which besides the enormous work on the specification of SysML v2 also manages to create a pilot implementation. The pilot implementation is available for the Eclipse environment, but also for the Jupyter platform. You can access all the files including the current version of the SysML v2 submission at the SysML v2 Github repository.

Second, based on this, Gerrit Riessen has created a Github repository that provides the SysML v2 pilot implementation for Jupyter as a Docker container. This had triggered me at the time, as I was dealing with Docker hosting platforms in a different context at the same time. I got in touch with Gerrit and we quickly closed the toolchain: Gerrit has created a Dockerhub project that directly deploys the SysML v2 Docker container from his Github project. I configured the Docker hosting service, which my company oose pays for, to automatically install the Docker container there. A great collaboration to make the SysML v2 Lab available to the MBSE community.

Try it out:

SysML v2 Logo


2 Responses

  1. Luis Molina-Tanco says:

    This is amazing, so much to explore here!

    I was wondering, do you know how involved in the development of SysML 2.0 are companies that manufacture SysML tools (e.g. Dassault, which now owns Cameo) ?



    • Tim Weilkiens says:

      Hi Luis,

      Some SysML v1 modeling tool vendors are member of the SST team which works on the SysML v2 specification. So, they are involved and have access to up-to-date information about SysML v2.

      Kind regards,

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