EA User Group London 2017

A post by guest author Guillaume Finance:
A new EA User Group for the Enterprise Architect users and experts community will take place this year in London on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of May. Compared with previous events, this EAUG will run on 2 days. This decision has been taken based on a recent survey where a day dedicated on training with the tool was requested.
This first training day is optional, whilst the second day will include talks as on previous years.
Note: where one of the talks should cover SysML with EA, other topics that do not involve SysML directly are usually useful for any area including Systems Engineering, e.g. for documentation purposes, to extend the tool’s features via scripts and add-ons, or to share a model-based approach in a different context.
- What? 2 days of Enterprise Architect related training, presentations, and networking
- When? Thursday 18th and Friday 19th May 2017
- Where? Code Node, LONDON, EC2M 7BT
- Official site: www.eausergroup.com
Agenda, plan
- Thursday 18th May, 9am-5pm: an EA training day, with a small number of in-depth sessions led by approved Sparx Enterprise Architect training partners. Full details will be published shortly on the EAUG site.
- Note: training numbers will be limited.
- Thursday 6pm onwards: an evening networking event.
- Friday 19th May: a ‘traditional’ EAUG event day – including shorter presentations, case studies, and user stories.
- £550 to join for the full 2-day event.
- £75 to join on Friday only.
Call to action
- Attendees: save the date(s)
- Speakers: send the EAUG members via the official site (www.eausergroup.com) or directly to myself (guillaume[at]umlchannel.com) your presentation proposals for case studies/user stories
- Sponsors: there are Sponsorship opportunities. Please contact me for more information (guillaume[at]umlchannel.com).