New book “Variant Modeling with SysML”

I have just published my new book „Variant Modeling with SysML”. It presents a method for modeling variants of system requirements and system architecture artifacts with standard SysML and a standard SysML modeling tool.
About 10 years ago I published the method and SysML profile for the first time. Since then I have had many discussions and experiences with that approach. Now it was time to publish a comprehensive description of the approach and to give the method a home.
There are many reasons to manage variants: A product line, a customized product or different designs for trade studies. The SysML is a general-purpose modeling language for systems engineering applications. It is mainly used for requirements and system architecture specifications. Both are strongly affected by variants. Therefore, it is highly valuable to use SysML for the specification of variants.
SysML does not provide first class model elements for variants. Nevertheless, you can use SysML for variant modeling by using stereotypes that extend the language SysML with variant concepts (profile).
The book covers
- variant modeling concepts like a variant, variation point, or variant constraint.
- a method for variant modeling with SysML (VAMOS).
- the definition of a SysML profile for variant modeling.
- a fruity example as well as two technical examples (Forest Fire Detection System, Virtual Museum Tour)
You can download the accompanying examples and the profile from the Download section for the Cameo Systems Modeler (aka MagicDraw). The examples are part of the SYSMOD profile.
You can buy the eBook “Variant Modeling with SysML” at Leanpub. A print version will be available soon.